Parent Voice
We consult parents on a range of important issues. Consultation can happen informally, on the playground, or formally through a written survey. In addition, we have an ‘open door policy’ for parents who can ask to meet the head teacher or senior staff via reception. The views of parents and carers are important in helping us offer the best possible service, and in helping to shape the future direction of the school.
In the past, we have used written surveys to consult on our uniform and badge, our homework policy, safe parking outside of school and on the quality of school lunches.
Below is the result of our latest survey.
Pupil Voice
Each year we regularly consult our pupils on their viewpoints to discover how we could improve their learning experience. The results are shared with the school council who then work with staff on the goals they want to achieve.
In the last year they have worked hard to bring more mobile technology into the classrooms, launch homework club as well as design our new outdoor classroom.